Financial Inclusion



May 22, 2024


Baghdad, Iraq



قمة الشمول المالي (22 ايار / مايو 2024 ، بغداد، العراق) هو مؤتمر رائد يجمع 300+ من المهنيين وقادة الفكر وصانعي السياسات والمبتكرين والمستثمرين وخبراء الصناعة من قطاع التكنولوجيا المالية والمدفوعات والخدمات المصرفية والمالية وشركات التكنولوجيا والشركات الناشئة في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية لدفع عجلة التحول الرقمي التي تشكل مستقبل الشمول المالي، والإعداد الرقمي، والتوقيع الإلكتروني، والخدمات المصرفية الرقمية، وانظمة الدفع. والتحديات المستقبلية لهذا القطاع

تعد قمة الشمول المالي منصة فريدة للحضور والشركات الناشئة والمستثمرين وقادة الصناعة للمشاركة في سلسلة من حلقات النقاش والدردشات الجانبية وفرص التواصل وتبادل الأفكار حول الاتجاهات الناشئة والأطر التنظيمية والإمكانيات المستقبلية والاستفادة من سوق التكنولوجيا المالية المتنامي في العراق.

وسيتضمن الحدث مناقشات حول مجموعة من الموضوعات المهمة في الصناعة، بما في ذلك “بناء اقتصادات المستقبل، والشمول المالي في العراق: دراسة التحديات والفرص للشمول المالي في العراق. ثورة الخدمات المصرفية الرقمية: تحليل فوائد الخدمات المصرفية الرقمية للسكان الذين لا يتعاملون مع البنوك والذين يعانون من نقص في الخدمات المصرفية ، ونمو الابتكار في المدفوعات الرقمية للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة وابتكار الدفع ، ومستقبل الصناعة المصرفية ، والإعداد الرقمي: مناقشة أفضل الممارسات والتقنيات لعمليات الإعداد الآمنة والفعالة ، والتوقيعات الرقمية: تسليط الضوء على أهمية التوقيعات الرقمية في العصر الرقمي وبناء قطاع مالي مرن ومستدام في عصر الرقمنة.

Financial Inclusion Summit “FININC” (May 22, 2024, Iraq, Baghdad) is a groundbreaking conference that brings together 300+ professionals,  thought leaders, policymakers, innovators, investors and industry experts from across the fintech, payments, banking, tech firms and fintech startups to explore and drive forward the transformative forces shaping the future of financial inclusion, digital onboarding, digital signatures, digital banking, and payment innovation.

Financial Inclusion Summit will offer a unique platform for attendees, startups, investors, and industry leaders to participate in a series of panel discussions, fireside chats, networking opportunities and exchange ideas on emerging trends, regulatory frameworks, and future possibilities and capitalize on the growing Fintech market in Iraq.

The event will feature discussions on a range of important industry topics, including ‘Building the Economies of the Future, Financial Inclusion in Iraq: Examining the challenges and opportunities for financial inclusion in Iraq. Digital Banking Revolution: Analyzing the benefits of digital banking for the unbanked and underbanked populations, Innovation Growth in SME Digital Payments and Payment Innovation, Future of banking Industry, Digital Onboarding: Discussing best practices and technologies for secure and efficient onboarding processes, Digital Signatures: Highlighting the significance of digital signatures in the digital age and Building a Resilient and Sustainable Financial Sector in the Age of Disruption.

Who Should Attend:

  1. Government Officials and Policymakers: Government officials and policymakers should attend to gain a better understanding of the regulatory and legislative roles that government can play in promoting financial inclusion.
  2. Bankers and Financial Institutions: Bankers and representatives of financial institutions can benefit from developing their strategies and learning about the latest financial technologies and the advantages of digital signatures and electronic documentation.
  3. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: The event will present new opportunities for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and explore investment prospects in projects related to financial inclusion and financial technology.
  4. Financial Inclusion Enthusiasts: Individuals interested in contributing to achieving financial inclusion and enhancing financial equality will find opportunities to participate and raise awareness at this event.
  5. Innovators and Tech Developers: Innovators and tech developers will have the chance to showcase their technologies and solutions in the fields of financial inclusion and financial technology.

Why Attend:

  1. Expand Awareness and Knowledge: Attending the Financial Inclusion Summit provides you with the opportunity to expand your knowledge about the latest developments in financial inclusion and financial technology. You will learn about best practices and innovations in this field and how they can be applied to your projects and businesses.
  2. Networking and Connections: This event brings together thought leaders, industry experts, and policymakers from around the world. There will be ample opportunities for networking and building new connections with influential people in this field.
  3. Sharing Ideas and Experiences: You can share your ideas and experiences and benefit from knowledge exchange with others. Participate in discussions and interactive sessions that contribute to developing new concepts and innovative solutions for financial challenges.
  4. Social Impact: Attending this event can have a positive impact on society and the economy by promoting financial inclusion and directing investments toward projects that enhance opportunities for a wider segment of the population.


Financial Inclusion Summit gathered the brightest minds in the tech world. Learn new skills and get insights from experts and practitioners from all around!

This comprehensive agenda provides a detailed schedule for the Financial Inclusion Summit, covering a wide range of topics and activities to engage attendees and foster meaningful discussions and collaboration.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Registration and Networking

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

Guest of Honor Speech

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Panel Discussion - "The Imperative of Financial Inclusion in Iraq"

This panel discussion brings together experts, policymakers, and practitioners with a deep understanding of the Iraqi financial landscape. By sharing insights and engaging in a robust discussion, the session aims to shed light on the imperative of financial inclusion in Iraq and to identify actionable steps to foster a more inclusive financial future for the country.

  • what is the current financial landscape in Iraq, exploring the challenges and opportunities that define the economic environment.
  • what is  the key obstacles that hinder financial inclusion in Iraq.
  • what is the role of government policies and initiatives in promoting financial inclusion.
  • How technological advancements, such as mobile banking and digital payments, can drive financial inclusion in Iraq.
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Special Address: The Role of States and Private Lenders in Financial Inclusion – The Ideal Scenario

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Networking Coffee break

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM

Panel Discussion - "Digital Banks and Their Impact on Financial Inclusion"

This panel will explore the rise of digital banks and how they can revolutionize financial inclusion. Panelists will discuss the benefits of digital banking for the unbanked and underbanked populations.

12:15 PM - 12:30 PM

Special Session on Technology for MSMEs – The Great Growth Enabler

12:30 PM - 01:15 PM

Panel Discussion - "Payment Innovation and Inclusion"

Delve into the latest trends and innovations in digital payments and how they can bridge financial divides. Case studies of successful payment innovations and their impact on financial inclusion will be presented.

01:15 PM - 01:30 PM

Next Steps in Iraq's Digital Payments Growth

01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Lunch Networking Break

02:30 PM - 03:10 PM

Panel Discussion: Role of Fast and Reliable Internet in Financial Inclusion

There is a close correlation between the evolution of consumer technology and internet speeds. How will the advent of 5G become a catalyst for innovation and growth in financial inclusion? Will IOT-based ‘invisible payment’ become a household norm?

03:10 PM - 03:50 PM

Panel Discussion - Digital Onboarding: Streamlining Access to Financial Services

03:50 PM - 04:00 PM

Special Address: Protecting a Digital Economy

Debate on what stakeholders should do to ensure a safe and secure digital experience.

04:00 PM - 04:40 PM

Panel Discussion: How Small Women Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Funding Challenges and Achieve Business Growth

04:40 PM - 05:00 PM

Digital Signatures: Unlocking the Potential

Explore the transformative power of digital signatures in financial transactions. The session will discuss their significance, benefits, and implementation strategies to enhance security and streamline financial processes.


07:00 PM - 10:00 PM



The Financial Inclusion Summit has a variety of ticket types to suit the variety of designers out there. Find out the best option for you and your team!

Early Bird Ticket


Includes access to a full day of talks across the 1 day a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Entrance all Sessions Yes
  • 2 x Coffee Breaks Yes
  • Lunch Yes

Group of 5 Tickets


Includes access to a full day of talks across the 1 day a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Breakout Sessions Yes
  • 2 x Coffee Breaks Yes
  • Lunch Yes

We wouldn't be able to host our conference without help from these amazing companies. A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners!